What if the answer to shifting moments of crisis into turning points of expansion and opportunity was looking inward? Based on the work of Maureen Murdoch, Victoria Lynn Schmidt, Joseph Campbell and others, the Archetypical Heroine’s Journey outlines the universal quest for self-discovery; interdependence; and contribution from a space of intuition and profound acceptance. Like the phoenix that rises from the ashes, we travel to the depths of our souls to reclaim our inner power.
Using the narrative and symbolic map of THJ, this podcast explores some of the most important themes of what it means to be human.

Shedding Layers: Mercedes Kostucki’s Journey to Living Authentically
We dive into the emotional and psychological challenges of transitioning and the weight of family and social expectations. Mercedes speaks with vulnerability about the darkest moments of her life and the hard won path that eventually led her to self-acceptance. A testament to resilience and the courage to embrace who you truly are, her story speaks to the healing power of intimacy and connection.

De la Racionalidad al Espiritualismo Mágico: dos adopciones y el amor que lo cambió todo, con Ignacio García
Ignacio, través de su vínculo con la naturaleza, representado por una majestuosa ceiba, y su decisión de adoptar, nos muestra cómo el amor transformador lo llevó a deconstruir viejos patrones patriarcales y a redescubrir su propósito. Su historia refleja un delicado equilibrio entre su ejercicio profesional como abogado y su vida espiritual, mientras construye una familia que incluye tanto hijos biológicos como cósmicos.

You Are Not Alone, Brother: Redefining Masculinity with Taz Takirau, a Māori indigenous man
In this episode, Taz Takirau, a Māori indigenous man from New Zealand, shares his profound journey of healing and reconnecting with his life's purpose during the COVID pandemic. Taz speaks directly to men, discussing the challenges of overcoming deep-seated anger and the importance of building new, healthier masculinities. His motivation comes from his children and grandchildren, and he emphasizes the ongoing work of protecting the Earth and supporting one another. Taz's powerful message, "you're not alone, brother," reminds us that no matter our background, we all face similar struggles mentally, physically, and spiritually. Taz reflects on the transformative power of heritage, resilience, and the collective journey towards inner peace and environmental stewardship.

Sabiduría de la Vida con Guadalupe Urbina
En este episodio, Guadalupe nos comparte su visión de la vida como un circo, una cuerda floja en constante movimiento, instándonos a cuestionar el orden establecido; ser libres y abrazar la simplicidad y la belleza que nos muestra la naturaleza.

A Palestinian Woman's Journey Through Conflict and Healing with Eva Dalak
Eva’s story is a testament to the transformative potential of crisis: the emergence of a new self as a result of life's trials is possible. Tune in to hear how Eva made "honey from her darkness" by shaping her work in conflict resolution and inviting people on both sides of the conflict to look inward in order to truly achieve peace.

Peregrinajes, Rituales y el Poder de la Amistad: episodio especial con Erika Luna
Erika, fisioterapeuta e instructora de yoga, se une para una charla que va más allá de una simple entrevista, explorando profundas experiencias personales y el poder transformador de la amistad.

Cycling Through Change: Laura Killingbeck's Path to Fulfillment
In this episode, we explore how power dynamics can lead us to relinquish our free will and the valuable lesson of reclaiming it. Laura Killingbeck, while navigating complex power dynamics in an intentional community in Costa Rica, realized that sometimes the only thing you can change is yourself. With this insight, she grabbed her bicycle Enigma, and cycled hundreds of kilometers along the Pacific coast.

Fortaleza Interior, Espiritualidad y Liderazgo: La inspiradora travesía de una diplomática
En este episodio hablamos con Christiana Figueres, la influyente diplomática costarricense que guió el Acuerdo de París, nos revela su profunda travesía personal hacia la resiliencia y la transformación espiritual. Un año antes de lograr el histórico acuerdo climático, Christiana enfrentó una dolorosa ruptura matrimonial que la llevó a una profunda depresión y a considerar decisiones extremas.

A journey to reclaim our truth
Like a spiral, life can bring us back to places we've been to revisit lessons learned. In the second episode of the second season I will guide you through the cycle of rupture, descent, emergence, and return—an inward journey of personal growth and transformation.

Un viaje hacia nuestra verdad
Como un espiral, la vida nos lleva de vuelta a lugares en los que estuvimos para revisitar aprendizajes. De aquí el primer episodio de la segunda temporada, donde te guiaré a través del ciclo de ruptura, descenso, emerger y regreso, un viaje interior de crecimiento y transformación personal.

Integración y Cierre, “Hay belleza inesperada en la adversidad”, con Christine Raine
En este último episodio en español de la primera temporada, Christine habla del dolor y la belleza de su propio viaje la heroína, con co-productora Nandi Edina.

Integration & closure, “There is beauty in adversity” with Christine Raine
In this final English-language episode of season one, Christine discusses her own painful and beautiful heroine’s journey with producer Sarah Selim.

Episodio 10: El Regreso, con Arlette Fait
En este episodio, Christine habla con Arlette Fait, psiscóloga clínica de más de 15 años de experiencia y además la terapeuta de Chris, sobre sus aprendizajes al salir de una relación agresiva. Juntas exploran cómo los momentos de crisis pueden ser tierra fértil para nuestra evolución, si tenemos las formas, herramientas y perspectiva para abordarlas.

Episode 9: The Return, with Nathan Getzin
Christine speaks with musician and immersive sound healer & producer Nathan Getzin about the journey into vulnerability he undertook for the sake of his relationship, which required laying down the armor and weapons of masculinity he had been taught to carry.

Episodio 8: Emerger con Diego Delfino
En este episodio Christine habla con el periodista Diego Delfino -reconocido por sus contribuciones al periodismo costarricense y creador del medio ciudadano sobre cómo la depresión puede representar una muerte que permite un renacimiento y una oportunidad de convertirse en una versión más auténtica y libre de uno mismo, si estamos dispuestos a hacer el trabajo que se requiere.

Episode 7: The Emergence with Sofia Rasini
In this episode, Christine speaks with Sofia Rasini, co-founder of the adventure therapy non-profit Campo Base. Sofia talks about her journey into motherhood and the unexpected grief she encountered, in addition to the joy. She also shares what her experiences running camps for children with serious illnesses has taught her; and how stewarding the intention of the land & castle that she calls home in northern Italy, alongside the women in her family, supported her own rebirth.

Episodio 6: El Descenso con Andrés Calvo
En este episodio, el músico y artista Andrés Calvo, nos comparte la historia de cuando su esposa Paula, además prima de Christine, fue diagnosticada con un cáncer agresivo que marcó un antes y un después en su vida y la de su hija Lara.

Episode 5: The Descent with Annette Knopp
In this episode Christine speaks with nature mystic Annette Knopp about her multiyear journey into deep spiritual practice; and two moments of descent that resulted in profound despair, a dark night of the soul, and eventually became medicine for her life.

Episodio 4: La Ruptura, con Carolina Hidalgo
Christine habla con activista de empatía y ex-presidenta de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica, Carolina Hidalgo Herrera sobre su experiencia navegando una dolorosa ruptura mientras ocupaba un cargo político de alto perfil; y cómo se permitió sentir el dolor para poder transformarse.

Episode 3: The Rupture with Sarah Wu
Christine speaks with teacher and Envision festival co-founder Sarah Wu about the journey which led her to identify as a “childless mother”, including a very personal disillusionment with society’s expectation of women and her own marital partnership. Sarah shares how her experience as an herbalist and modern witch supported her in reimagining motherhood and the possibilities of her own life story.